diy sewing



What do you do when it’s your wedding day and your ZIPPER on your dress just broke?

Well hold up! WAIT A MINUTE!

Want to see how quick of a fix that can be wherever you are at?

Take at look at this!

Do you want to know what material your dress is made of?

There are many reasons on why you need you need to know what type of fabric you have.

Let’s say you need to match materials for something you are making and it’s been a while since you used it. Ug. You don’t remember what it is.

Maybe you bought a dress with no tag.

The tag usually tells you what type of material it is made of.

What if you need to press a wedding gown and it has no care tag?

Depending on the material you could ruin your dress if you iron it.

Don’t worry I have got you covered.

This right here is how you can tell what fabric you have.

The Tailor's Clapper

To really get a long lasting crease, pleat, or flat spot, we often use steam and pressure. The steam, of course, is made of water.  The water can take a bit to evaporate.  Your press job isn't fully set until the fabric is dry and cool. How do you speed this along in a busy sewing shop? 


Enter: The Tailor's Clapper!

The Tailor's Clapper works because it is suuuper dry, thirsty wood.  Wood, as you know is a poor conductor of heat, so it cools fairly quickly.  Couple that with the thirsty trait, and you have yourself a winning combination for setting your press job quickly.  Use pressure and patience with this tool and it will reward you with the crispest pleats in town! 

One video of mine that shows the clapper being used for shaping bust pads is found here

Here is another video where I use the clapper to set pleats:


To purchase one, see my products page on this website. They pretty much last forever.  Just keep it clean and dry.  Definitely keep it away from oils. 

I hope this helped you! :)