Bridal Sewing Techniques

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Filti is amazing!

Like I have said, I’m not associated with them, so I’m certainly not their spokesperson, but in spite of the many ways we have kept seamsters informed of their monumental efforts to ship these cuts of fabrics to you guys, I continue to get shrill, accusatory comments.

I’ve added a very lengthy section to the video description on YouTube, explaining the logistic delays, (not Filti’s fault.) We are in the middle of a pandemic and UPS is working around the clock to fulfill orders. Please, thank your UPS delivery person, don’t bash them.

Here are some pics that the owner, Dakota texted me!! Sorry, no they cannot respond to you guys individually right now. There are thousands of you asking about order status or confirmation. Hang tight! It is on the way ASAP!

I also keep getting asked how long it took me to get my Filti fabric. There is not a direct comparison to that, because mine was sent with USPS to my P.O. Box. It was also mailed to me before things ramped-up to the degree that it has now. You know how it is, it’s like a different world each week right now. Filti is now sending out thousands of orders a day via UPS. I’m sorry that I can’t estimate. I am literally just a seamstress who shared her filter fabric source with you! :)

Be safe & well, BST besties!!!

P.S. Your Filti fabric may arrive all white. Don’t be alarmed. It’s the same stuff. :)